Spells to get pregnant fast

 This is a selection of the best and most effective, proved spells to get pregnant fast. Take advantage of these homemade recipes to help promote fertility in your body and eliminate the problems that prevent you to procreate. We will begin seeing the spell of the egg to become pregnant and then move on to other alternative methods of witchcraft to get pregnant fast.

Spells to get pregnant fast

The search for the pregnant can be a difficult time. While it seems to be a simple process, sometimes there are problems along the way of pregnancy. If you or your partner are facing fertility problems, you need all the help you can get in order to conceive a child. With these spells to get pregnant, you can ensure that you will have better possibilities and more luck in getting an effective and healthy pregnancy. Even if you're not worried about infertility problems, it is possible that you want to use these spells to get pregnant fast and safely, with adequate powers of your side.

Spell of the egg to get pregnant

The egg has always been a symbol of fertility. So this spell will work, it is preferable to use an egg having brown or pink shell. These are colors that indicate human reproduction to the powers and vital energy of the universe.

We also use a pencil or green pen to represent fertility, because is the symbol of nature and pregnancy. This spell to become pregnant works through effective and associative magic in which we grow grass in a pot to symbolize the growth of fertility in your life.

Ingredients you'll need for this fertility white magic spell:

  • An egg shell pink or brown color
  • Pen or pencil Green
  • Pot
  • Earth
  • Grass or grass seeds
  • Water

Then let's see how you do this spell of the egg to get pregnant fast.

Take the egg and the green pen going to decorate it with a Sun, a moon, a cross, a female sign (symbol of Venus) and a five-pointed star.

Bury the egg in a pot full of earth. Sow the seeds of grass on the surface. Water well this pot for nine weeks. When the grass has grown, cut a little and then binds a handful with yarn, giving it nine laps in total. Hang this handful of grass on your bed until you are able to conceive. We continue seeing other spells to get pregnant fast.

Spell to improve the chances of pregnancy

Fill bath with warm water (not hot) and add 3 drops of lemon oil and 3 drops of Orange oil. Together with your partner, take turns bathing each other thoroughly (no soap, only with a clean cloth and perfumed water), until the water gets cool (approximately 30 minutes). After being bathed and before making love, each of you should drink half a cup of coffee or tea with caffeine. Caffeine enhances the mobility of the sperm in men and studies have shown that women who drink this tea with caffeine amount every day improve the chances of conceiving a 200%.

After making love, man should place several pillows under your hips of the female, by tilting your pelvis upward and backward. This makes it easier for the sperm to reach the spot. To help alleviate any inconveniences in this position, he should stay with her and massaging her feet and calves. This stimulates the blood circulation throughout the body, including the uterus. This position must be maintained for 30 minutes. Try this, and remember that you can combine all these spells to get pregnant without any problems.

Easy fertility spell to get pregnant

During your most fertile period (normally 2 days before, during and after ovulation), lights 9 white candles in your bedroom. Place them around your bed. Sitting or standing nude with your partner, looking north, repeats the following prayer to get pregnant:

"With a same purpose, we call you.
With one heart, we long for you
Child of the Earth, air, fire and water,
In our lives, we welcome you"

Look towards the East, then to the South, West and East, repeating this spell every time. Proceed to make love as required by nature. Repeat this spell every night before doing so, for five consecutive nights.
Spells to get pregnant fast


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